Recruitment notification of Pharmacist Gr.II, Lab. Technician Gr.II, Optometrist, Refractionist, Speech Therapist, ECG Technician, Cath Lab Technician, Radiographer, Dark Room Assistant, Dialysis Technician and Female Nursing Orderly backlog vacant posts in Government General Hospital, Guntur.
The Government has issued orders to recruit Pharmacist Gr.II, Lab. Technician Gr.II on contract basis and Optometrist, Refractionist, Speech Therapist, ECG Technician, Cath Lab Technician, Radiographer, Dark Room Assistant, Dialysis Technician and FNO on Outsourcing basis for fill up newly
sanctioned and existing vacancies in Guntur District with the consolidated pay per month as mentioned against each post:
Name of the Post : Pharmacist Gr-II
Qualification :
- 02 years Diploma in Pharmacy course after intermediate recognized by the Govt.of AP. (or)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (or)
- Any other eligible equivalent qualification must be regd. With AP Pharmacy Council with updated renewal.
Remuneration per month : 28000 /-
Method of recruitment : contract
Start Date : 11/02/2022
End Date : 15/02/2022
Application Fee:-
Rs.300 for OC/BC Candidates
100 for SC/ST Candidates
The application fees should be paid by the way of Demand Draft only from
SBI and UNION Banks in favour of Superintendent, HDS, Government
General Hospital, Guntur payable at Guntur
- OC candidate should not have completed 42 years as on 01.12.2021 (Should not have been born before 01.12.1979).
- SC/ST/BC Candidates should not have completed 47 years as on 01.12.2021. (Should not have born before 01.12.1974).
- EWS Candidates should not have completed 47 years as on 01.12.2021.
(Should not have born before 01.12.1974) as per the GO.MS.No.104 GAD(Services-D) dated:-23-09-2021. - Ex-Servicemen and PHC Candidates should not have completed 50 years as on 01.12.2021 (Should not have born before 01.12.1971). Reservation: Rule of Reservation will apply as per AP State Govt. Rules in force.
The candidate selected and appointed on contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he/she appointed is included and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment, to any preferential right to any other appointment in that or any other service. The department or the person may revoke the contractual appointment or discontinue the contract by giving one month notice in writing on the either side. This contract would automatically cease
to operate on lapse of contract period and both parties will be discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any formal or informal communication
Guidelines and Instructions for filling up of application:
The filled in application should be submitted through Register Post with Ack or directly in person during the office hours. Due duly enclosing the following certificates from 14.02.2022 to 15.02.2021 by 5 PM. The application without signature of the applicant or without any of the following enclosures will be summarily rejected or application received late due to postal shell not be accepted.
For more details about this recruitment notification check below link :