The Indian Army has officially announced its recruitment drive for the 2025-26 intake, inviting applications from eligible male candidates for Soldier Technical Nursing Assistant / Nursing Assistant (Veterinary) and Sepoy Pharma positions. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking a career in the defense sector while contributing to the nation’s healthcare system.
Eligibility Criteria & Recruitment Zones
The recruitment is being conducted across various states and union territories. Candidates must be domiciles of the respective regions mentioned below:
1. Zonal Recruiting Office – Delhi & Haryana
- Delhi State and the districts of Faridabad, Gurugram, Mewat (Nuh), and Palwal in Haryana.
2. Zonal Recruiting Office – Bihar & Jharkhand
- Open for candidates from Bihar and Jharkhand.
3. Zonal Recruiting Office – Chennai
- Open for candidates from Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and the Union Territory of Puducherry (including Karaikal, Yanam & Puducherry).
- Also open for candidates from Karnataka, Kerala, and the Union Territories of Lakshadweep and Mahe.
4. Zonal Recruiting Office – Haryana, Himachal Pradesh & Chandigarh
- Open for candidates from Haryana (excluding Gurgaon, Faridabad, Mewat & Palwal), Himachal Pradesh, and the Union Territory of Chandigarh.
5. Zonal Recruiting Office – Northeast India
- Open for candidates from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, and Meghalaya.
6. Zonal Recruiting Office – Western India
- Open for candidates from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, and the Union Territories of Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
7. Zonal Recruiting Office – Eastern India
- Open for candidates from West Bengal, Sikkim, and Odisha.
Important Dates
- Online Registration: 12 March 2025 – 10 April 2025
- Online Exam: Tentatively from June 2025 onwards (Final dates to be announced on the official website)
Eligibility Criteria
Applications are open for candidates domiciled in West Bengal, Sikkim, and Odisha. The specific educational qualifications, age limits, and other eligibility criteria will be detailed in the official notification on the Indian Army website.
(a) Soldier Technical (NA/NA Vet)
10+2/ Intermediate pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 40% in each subject.
10+2/Intermediate pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and English with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 40% in each subject.
17½- 23Yrs
Candidates born between:
01 Oct 2002 to 01 Apr 2008 (both days inclusive)
(b) Sepoy Pharma
10+2 / equivalent exam pass and qualified in D.Pharma with minimum 55% in aggregate and registered with State Pharmacy Council / Pharmacy Council of India. Individuals qualified in
B.Pharma with minimum 50% marks and registered with State Pharmacy Council / Pharmacy Council of India will also be eligible.
19-25 Yrs
Candidates born between:
01 Oct 2000 to 01 Apr 2006 (both days inclusive)
Note: Candidates who have appeared in class 12th Board Exam (for Soldier Technical
(NA/NA Vet)) and who have appeared for B.Pharma / D.Pharma (for Sepoy Pharma) and are
awaiting declaration of results are also eligible to apply provided they fulfill all other QR.
Such candidates, however, shall only be selected when they produce the original
marksheet during the Phase II of recruitment process.
Physical Standards. As per policy in vogue. Please visit for
Procedure for Online Registration
(a) All candidates to log in to, check their eligibility status and create their
(b) Online Registration (submission of application) will commence from 12 March 2025 to
10 April 2025. (Dates are subject to change and candidates are advised to follow the same on
(c) Examination Fee. Examination fee of Rs 250/- per applicant is to be paid by the candidate
for the online examination. The candidate on successfully filling the application will be directed to
HDFC portal through a link on the website. At the HDFC portal make payment of Rs 250/- plus
Bank charges as applicable.
The payment can be made through any of these payment options
(i) Payment Gateway Facility through Maestro, Master Card, VISA, Rupay Cards
both Credit & Debit of all major banks.
(ii) Internet banking of HDFC and other banks.
(iii) UPI.
(d) Duplicate/ Incomplete/ Erroneously filled application will be rejected.
(e) Candidates are required to have an active email & mobile number which will be used for
further communication.
(f) Candidates are required to fill in their correct height upto millimeter as per category
applied for, region based physical measurement standards, as well as special relaxations in height
and weight as laid out in Candidates who fill wrong height and weight
or produce bogus / unauthorized certificate for seeking relaxation in physical measurement
standards are liable for cancellation of candidature during Phase-II (Recruitment Rally).
(g) Candidates should apply only once in response to this notification.
(h) Candidates must indicate five choices of the exam centre. All Possible effort would be
made to allot exam centre based on choice made by the candidate. Exam centre can be allotted
outside of the choice made by the candidate due to administrative restrictions.
(j) Request for change of exam centre or date of selection test will not be entertained.
(k) Candidates not reporting for the test on due date & time will not be accommodated on other
(l) Candidate should enter AADHAR number in online application.
(m) Category wise link has been provided on Join Indian Army website to enable candidates to
practice online CEE as per their category. All candidates are advised to carry out practice at least
once before appearing for actual CEE.
(n) Animated videos “How to Register” and “How to Appear for online CEE” are available on
(o) Candidates are advised to upload only recent photograph on Join Indian Army website. In
case the photo does not match the face of candidate, the candidate will not be permitted to appear
for any test.
(p) Details about required educational qualification, physical/ medical standard are available on (Join Indian Army) under candidates login and it can be accessed
without signing in.
Recruitment Process. Recruitment process will be conducted in two phases. Phase I will be
Online Common Entrance Exam at Computer Based Test Centres spread pan India and Phase II will be Recruitment Rally by Recruiting Office (Headquarters), Kolkata at Rally Venue.
Online Common Entrance Examination (CEE).
(a) Candidates to report at the examination centre with colour print out of Admit Card.
Candidates shall be debarred from appearing in online test in case
anomalies/irregularities/incorrect information are observed during initial verification at the
examination venue or at any subsequent stage of selection process. Download Admit Card from (Join Indian Army).
(b) Candidates not reporting for the test on due date & time will not be accommodated on other
(c) Entry gates at exam center will be opened one and a half hour prior to scheduled time of
exams and will close 30 mins prior to time of exam. No candidate will be allowed to enter once the
entrance gate is closed.
(d) Candidates should carry Aadhar Card (as displayed on the Admit Card) as proof of Identity
for both phases of test ie Online CEE, Rect Rally and Medical Test.
(e) No electronic gadgets are permitted at the examination centres. Candidates will undergo
following activities at the exam centre:-
(i) Frisking at Entry Gate.
(ii) Checking of Admit Card & Aadhaar Card at the checking point
(iii) Auto allotment of Exam Hall.
(iv) Attendance at Exam Hall Gate.
(v) Capture of Biometric (IRIS / Retina, Photo & Thumb impression) inside the
exam hall.
(vi) Login ID to allotted computer terminal.
(vii) Appear for test as per procedure.
(viii) Exit Biometric before exiting the Examination Hall.
(f) Common Entrance Examination (CEE) will be conducted in 13 languages (ie English, Hindi,
Malyalam, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Odiya, Bengali, Urdu, Gujarati, Marathi and
(g) Online test will be objective Multiple Choice Question (MCQ). As per category of application
the candidates would be required to answer 50 questions in one hour or 100 questions in two
(h) Marking pattern for online test:-
(i) Full marks for every correct answer.
(ii) Nil marks for unattempted question.
(iii) All questions, if attempted, will be considered for evaluation, even if marked for review.
(j) Marks scored by the candidates in Online Common Entrance Exam will be Normalised to
take into account variation in difficulty levels of the question paper across different sessions.
Special Instructions
(a) Any candidate who has not received Admit Card for Phase-II, 05 days prior to the
Rally, may approach nearest Army Recruiting Office for further clarification.
(b) 01 October 2025 will be taken as effective date of determining age eligibility for
candidate. Candidates to produce Birth Certificate/10th Class marksh eet at the time of preliminary
document check.
(c) Candidates are required to report at the Rally Site by 0200 hours on their respective
scheduled dates. Candidates reporting after 0600 hours without appropriate justification will not be
permitted to participate in the Rally. Candidate should be clean shaven (Except Sikh
(d) Personal e-mail ID and Mobile Number is MUST. All important messages will be sent to
this e-mail ID/Mobile Number like shortlisted/call letter/joining instruction/result etc. Sharing of
e-mail ID and Mobile Number is not permitted. Remember the User Name and Password for
future use. Concerned Recruiting Offices will not be responsible for not getting required information
if e-mail / Mobile Number of candidates given is wrong/ changed.
(e) Candidate must carry their AADHAR Card as proof of identity which could be authenticated
biometrically at the Rally Site. Candidates to ensure AADHAR details are matching with the details
mentioned in the documents and the Online Application. Any change in date of birth by candidate
in AADHAR must be supported by Government authorized documents.
(f) Candidate’s Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name and Date of Birth (DOB) must be
entered exactly as per Matriculation/10th Class Board Certificate.
(g) Candidate must enter contact details and permanent home address exactly as per
Domicile/ Nativity/ Permanent Residential Certificate issued by Sub Divisional Magistrate/ District
(h) Those not in possession of required documents will not be permitted to participate in the
recruitment process.
(j) Touts. Recruitment into the Army is fair and transparent. Candidates are advised not to
pay bribe to anyone for recruitment as it is based purely on merit. Selection process during
recruitment at all stages is automated. Therefore, candidates are advised to be beware of touts as
they cannot help them at any stage. In the past, a number of candidates have been found
victims of touts, fake documents/impersonation and in the bargain have lost their
candidature. Modus operandi/ means used by the touts are as under: –
(i) Issue of fake Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Slips/impersonation during various
stages of rally. Conduct fake recruitment rallies.
(ii) Snatching/taking away original certificates from candidates who have
been declared fit at initial stage and thereafter harassing them.
(iii) Taking away ADMIT CARD from the candidates under plea that they will
follow up their results.
(iv) Giving candidates false assurance of RECRUITMENT as they claim to have
links at appropriate level, thereby winning confidence of candidates.
(v) Once a candidate gets through on his own efforts, touts demand money in
return of the original certificates.
(k) A Grievance Cell will be established at the Rally Site to note and redress any grievances.
(l) Recruitment is purely based on merit depending on available vacancies. Candidates do
not have any right to claim recruitment in Army for merely having passed in recruitment process.
(m) Candidates not in possession of requisite certificates are liable for rejection.
(n) Name of State will be filled by the candidates in full as West Bengal/ Sikkim/ Odisha
instead of WB/ SIK/OD during online registration.