NDMC job vacancy for Pharmacists |Apply before 15th December 2023
NDMC invites applications from employees retired from Central Govt. State Govt Municipal Bodies/ NDMC from the equivalent post in the relevant field for engagement as Consultants for the following posts.
Post: Pharmacists
i. Matric or its equivalent
ii. Diploma in Allop. Pharmacy from recognised Institution.
Number of Post/Vacancy: 18 nos.
Method of Recruitment: Candidates will be selected through in interview
Period of Contract: Initially for a period of 06 Months as per NDMC office order No. 748/SO(E)/SA-I(R) dated 17.02.2017, 775/SO(E) SA-IR) dated 23.02.2017 and further extended as per norms & modalities.
Remuneration (per month): A fixed monthly amount shall be paid as per NDMC vide office order dated 01.02.2021 on the formulation Last PayPension TA (2000)
2. The applicant should not be more than 69 years of age as the closing date of receipt of applications in respect of Consultant (1) Specialist Anaesthetist,
2.1 The applicant should not be more than 64 years of age as on closing date in respect of (3) Radiographer (ii) Dark Room Assistants (iv) Dresser (v) Pharmacists (vi) Laboratory Technicians.
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3. Application as per attached format may be submitted to Director (Personnel), NOMC, Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, Application son may also be Submitted by email at [email protected] by 15.12.2023. Applications received after dosing date ie. 15.12.2023 will not be considered.
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