Ipca Laboratories is conducting a walk-in interview on 29th September 2024 in Indore for various positions including Apprentice, Officers, Operators, and Technicians in the Manufacturing, Packing, and Quality Control departments. Candidates with qualifications such as B.Sc., B.Pharm, ITI, Diploma, or HSC, and with 1 to 6 years of experience are eligible to apply. The job location is Athal, Silvassa, and those with experience in pharma formulations (e.g., tablets, capsules) in regulated plants like USFDA or MHRA are encouraged to attend.
Hiring for ATHAL, SILVASSA Location
“Come & take the opportunity to Join our Ipca Family to boost your skills & zeal to learn”
Department: Manufacturing
Designation: Apprentice/ Officers/ Operator/ Technician
Qualification requires: B.Pharm/B.sc/HSC/ ITI/DIPLOMA
Experience required: 1-6 Years
Job Profile: Minimum 1-6 years of relevant experience in operation and supervision of Compression, Granulation & Coating m/c i.e Fette, Glatt, Ganson, Imprinting etc.
Department: Packing
Designation: Apprentice/ Officers/ Operator / Technician
Qualification: B.pharm/B.sc/HSC/ ITI/DIPLOMA
Experience required: 1-6 Years
Job Profile: Minimum 1-6 years of relevant experience in operation and supervision of CAM/IMA/Blister/ CVC/ Cartonator/ Documentation (QMS) for Packing Dept
Department: Quality Control
Designation: Officer/ Sr.Officer
Qualification: Only B.Pharm/B.Sc
Experience required: 1-6 Years
Job Profile: Can handle instrument i.e HPLC- Dissolution, GC, IR,UV, QC QMS, Material testing.
Candidates who have appeared for an interview for Ipca, Athal in the last six months are requested not to apply.
➤ Candidates must be open to work in shift duties and having pharma experience in regulated plant like USFDA, MHRA should apply.
➤ Please carry your updated resume, latest passport size photo, all educational, experience & salary documents. Please carry Original & Photocopy of final year mark sheets/ degree certificate/ CTC Break-up/ Salary slip.
Please Note: Ipca Laboratories Ltd. does not directly or indirectly charge any fee for job application. Do not participate in any such invitations
Date of Interview:- 29/09/2024 (Sunday)
Venue: Hotel Winway, 164/1 RNT Marg, Indore – 452001
Timing: 10:00 to 16:00 Hrs.
Obligatory Note
Those who will not able attend this walk-in may send their CV on: [email protected]