Drug Inspector job vacancy at Health Safety & Regulation, Government of Himachal Pradesh | Apply Now
Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*) are invited from desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment to 03 post(s) of Drug Inspector, Class-II (Gazetted) (on contract basis) in the Department of Health Safety & Regulation, Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Name of department: HEALTH SAFETY
No. of posts: 03 nos.
Category Wise No. Of Posts:
Pay scale: Rs.10300- 34800+(GP 4200)
Essential Qualification(s):
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or a post-Graduate Degree in Chemistry with pharmaceutics as
essential subject of an University established in India by the Law or its equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central
Government for such purpose or the Associateship Diploma of the Institution of Chemists (India) obtained by passing the
Examination with “Analysis of Drugs and pharmaceuticals” as one of the subject.
Bachelor’s Degree in Science or Graduate in Medicine of an University recognized for this purpose by the appointing authority and
has had at least one year’s postgraduate training in a laboratory under (i) a Government Analyst appointed under the Act, or (ii) a Chemical Examiner, or (iii) the head of an institution specifically approved for the purpose by the appointing authority; Provided that
only those Inspectors:- (i) who have not less than 18 months experience in the manufacture of at least one of the substances
specified in Schedule-C; OR (ii) who have not less than 18 months’ experience in testing of at least one of the substances specified
in Schedule–C in a laboratory approved for this purpose, by the Licensing Authority; OR (iii) who have gained experience of not less
than three years in the inspection of firm manufacturing any of the substances specified in Schedule-C appended to these rules
during the tenure of their service as Drug Inspectors shall be authorized to inspect the manufacture of the substances mentioned in
Desirable Qualification:
Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions
prevailing in the Pradesh.
- The candidates must read instructions carefully, which are available on website of the Commission before
applying for the post(s) concerned. - The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential
qualification(s) etc. as mentioned in the advertisement by uploading copies of certificates of Essential
Qualification, Matriculation Certificate as age proof, Category Certificate alongwith Bonafide certificate of
H.P. and Experience Certificate (where required) to avoid rejection of their candidature after the closing date. - The candidates should possess requisite essential qualification(s) prescribed for the post(s) for which he/she
wants to apply as mentioned in Eligibility Criteria of this advertisement. - The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide
residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz. Scheduled Caste (S.C.), Scheduled Tribe (S.T.),
Other Backward Classes (O.B.C.), Economically Weaker Section (E.W.S.), Ex. Servicemen, Ward of Ex.
Servicemen, Ward of Freedom Fighter (W.F.F.) and Persons with benchmark Disabilities (Loco motor
Disabled / Visually Impaired / Hearing Impaired) etc. - The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will be treated as General Category Candidates
and the benefit of reservation and fee concession will not be admissible to such candidates. - No in- service (regular service) candidate will be interviewed unless he/she produces NOC (No Objection
Certificate) from concerned employer. - Examination Fee once paid will not be refunded.
- The candidates must mention their e-mail & mobile No. correctly in their Online Recruitment Application for
receiving alerts and messages relating to Examination. - The candidates should also give their Aadhar No. (optional) in the appropriate field of the ORA.
- Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.
- The candidates are required to upload the requisite documents on the OTRS portal.
B. List of documents to be uploaded on the OTRS portal by the candidate:-
1. Matriculation certificate for age proof.
2. Degree certificates along with Marks Sheets of all years / Consolidated mark sheet in support of Educational
3. Experience certificate(s) wherever required.
4. Valid category certificate(s) in support of their eligibility, if any, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., E.W.S., Ex-
Servicemen along with discharge book, Ward of Ex. Servicemen, WFF and Persons with benchmark
disabilities etc. All these certificates along with undertaking wherever required, should be on Performa
prescribed by the Government of H.P. from time to time. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes Certificates should be in accordance with the instructions of the Govt. issued vide letter
No. PER (AP)-C-F(10)-4/2010 dated 5th August, 2019).
5. Bonafide Himachali Certificate in case of reserved category candidates.
6. Valid EWS/BPL Certificate (Candidates applying under EWS’s category will have to submit either “Income &
Asset Certificate‟ or valid BPL Certificate countersigned by B.D.O. along with non-SC/ST/OBC certificate
issued by the competent authority on the format prescribed by H.P. Government vide letter No. PER (AP)-C-
B(12)- 1/2019 dated 11th June, 2019.
7. Ex. Servicemen Discharge Certificate/Service Book. (The candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen of
Himachal Pradesh will have to furnish Discharge Certificate/ Service Book and full detail in respect of their
P.P.O. No., Rank etc. and NOC with date of retirement from the Defence Services to claim the benefit of
reservation for the category of Ex-Serviceman of Himachal Pradesh. The Short Service Commissioned
Officers (SSCOs) released on or after 13-02-2020 shall have to upload proof of having received gratuity).
For more details about age limit, eligible and fees etc. Please check below notifications
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