Walk-In Interviews for FRESHERS on 23rd Jan’ 2022 @HETERO LABS LIMITED
Department: Production / QA / QC / Engineering / Maintenance
Designation : Jr. Chemist / Trainee
Qualification : M.Sc (Organic/ Analytical chemistry) / B.Sc Chemistry & ITI Fitter / Diploma Mechanical @ Fresher’s .
Job Location: Hyderabad / Vizag
Date: 23/01/2022(Sunday),
Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Venue :
Hetero corporate office,7-2-A2, Industrial Estates, Opp police station, Sanath nagar Hyderabad-500018.
MANDATORY : Wearing FACE MASK at Office Premises.
NOTE : Only Age should be Below 25 years.
Documents to be Carried: Updated Resume ,2 Photo copies , Certificate Xerox’s
Vijay Kumar Reddy