UNIQUE BIOTECH hiring for Assistant Manager, Manager, Deputy Manager in International Marketing, QA, R&D, HVAC department
UNIQUE BIOTECH- Join Our Innovative Team!
We are currently seeking talented and passionate individuals to join our team in the following roles:
- Manager- R&D Experience: [8+years Probiotics Mandatory]
- Manager -HVAC
Experience: [10+years]
- Assistant Manager-QA
Experience: [8+years]
- Marketing-International Formulations Executive Experience: [2+years]
- Marketing-International Bulk Executive
Experience: [4+years]
- Assistant Manager – Domestic Account Management Marketing
Experience: [8+years]
- Marketing- Assistant Manager International Bulk
Experience: [8+years]
- Deputy Manager – QA
Experience: 12+ Years
Apply now and be a part of our journey to make a difference in the world of biotech.
Send your resume and cover letter to [email protected]