Northern Coalfields Limited job vacancy for Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Lab Technician- Apply Now
Northern Coalfields Limited A Miniratna Company, An undertaking of Government of India,
Applications are invited from the eligible superannuated Staff Nurse, Pharmacist and Lab Technicians of NCL for engagement under the guidelines of Coal India Limited for availing the services of superannuated non-executive employees circulated vide Office Order no. CIL/C-5B/MP&IR/Non-Ex/Guidelines/268 dated 12.10.2020.
(A) Posts &Vacancies:
Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Lab Technician
Total vacancies: 21 posts
i. Closing date for receipt of application form is 30.11.2023.
ii. The total number of vacancies and the reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirements. The reservation under various categories will be as per prevailing Government of India’s guidelines at the time of finalization of results.
(B) Eligibility Criteria:
i. The applicants who have superannuated prior to 31.10.2020 will not be eligible to apply
for the engagement.
ii. The other eligibility conditions will be as per the guidelines of CIL issued vide OO no.
CIL/C-5B/MP & IR/Non-Ex./Guidelines/268 dated: 12/10/2020.
(C) Reservation:
1. Reservation of SC/ST/OBC (NCL) CENTRE LIST will be applicable as per Govt. of India
rules and guidelines, notifications and amendments from time to time issued in this regard.
2. Applicant(s) who wish to be considered against reserved vacancies and seek other
concessions applicable to the reserved categories must submit requisite certificate(s) issued by Competent Authority for availing such reservation.
3. SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL) applicants who are selected on their merit will not be adjusted against the reserved vacancies. Such applicant (s) will be accommodated against the un- reserved vacancies earmarked for UR category. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately
from amongst the eligible SC/ST/OBC (NCL) applicants.
(D) Selection Criteria:
1. Applicants shall apply for the only one post from which he/she had superannuated. The
application of the applicants applying for any other posts will not be considered.
2. Eligible applicants meeting the minimum eligibility criteria as specified under this
notification will be assessed based on the specified parameters such as Physical Attendance and Annual Confidential Report (ACR) in the preceding three years of superannuation, excluding the year of superannuation except in case of employees who have superannuated
on March 31st.
Physical Attendance – 15 Marks for 3 years (5 Marks per year )
a) For above 90% of physical attendance in a year– 5 Marks,
b) For 80% to 90% of physical attendance in a year – 3 Marks,
c) For 70% to below 80% of physical attendance in a year – 2 Marks,
d) For less than 70% of physical attendance in a year – 0(Zero) Marks
Important Dates:
Start date of submission of application form 15.11.2023
Closing date for receipt of application 30.11.2023
Landline Phone numbers: 07805-256573 / you may also write to us on [email protected].
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